Raise Your Expectations

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Mark each spoke with your score and see if your journey through life is a wobbly one. It doesn’t mean however that because you have scored low in one area that you necessarily wish to raise the score. It might be that you have few family members and so scored low. But it will highlight critical areas which, in your own mind, you know need addressing.

The Positive Way Forward

Life coaching takes a a complete holistic look at an individual with the view that whatever part of an individuals life seems lacking, the obvious may not be the cause.
Initially, each area of a person's life is assessed.  This will clearly identify areas that need to be examined closely.  As a result of this, objectives are determined, and plans developed which will achieve these outcomes.
On the face of this, all seems very simple, but it involves questioning by the coach and thoughtful consideration of these questions by the client.  Following this, the client needs to carry out agreed actions  which will work towards his objectives.
It sounds very straightforward, but the client may well be delving into areas that had not been considered before, or had been, but left alone.